Evidence of the practice of yoga goes as far back as 3000 BC. Archaeologists have found seals of the Indus Valley Civilization depicting people as well as godlike entities in various forms of meditative and yogic poses. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit yuj, which means to unionize. This is in reference to the way yoga unionizes the mind and the body.
The Purpose and Goals of Yoga
The original purpose of yoga was a spiritual one. While spirituality has almost disappeared from Western society we have still managed to find a place for yoga in our lives. A poll taken in 2006 revealed that over fifteen million Americans practice yoga on at least a semi-regular basis. Now people tend to treat yoga as another form of exercise, a way to improve flexibility and overall fitness, however without even realising many of these people will feel the mental benefits yoga provides. Through a combination of physical poses, breathing techniques and meditation yoga you will feel much more centred, calm and relaxed after you have practiced yoga.
The goals of yoga depend on the individual. Some practice yoga to loosen their muscles, others to find enlightenment, while others still do it to reduce their stress levels and relax after a busy day. Whatever your goal yoga can probably help you to achieve it. And the great thing about yoga is it can be tailored to anyone of any age, size or level of fitness.
Getting Started
It’s hard to describe many yoga positions or exercises textually which is why I posted a video earlier which contains a great beginners guide to yoga. You might like to try these exercises for a few weeks before purchasing a DVD full of yoga exercises or alternatively many leisure/rec centres and gyms hold regular yoga classes with fully qualified instructors.
Useful Yoga Resources
Here are a number of sites, articles and videos that you might to like to visit to find out a little more about yoga and its many positive effects.
Disabled Vet Walks Again Thanks to Yoga *MUST SEE*